Scoreboard of Catan

Friday, December 10, 2004

wilbur isnt the only one....

let down and hanging around

on the boulevard of broken dreams

any and all comments or responses are welcome at

Thursday, December 09, 2004

You can't resist her.
She's in your bones.
She is your marrow
And your ride home.

You can't avoid her.
She's in the air... in the air
In between molecules of
Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide.

This is gonna sound a little obsessive
This is gonna sound a little bit strange
I have one thing to say
Before I turn and I walk away

Hey you can be with me
Yeah 'cause I just might be the one
Who will treat you like you're perfect
Who will always make you come
Hey you can be with me
Yes I will always let you win
I will never be like those other guys
I will never be your unemployed boyfriend

This is gonna sound a little bit out there
This is gonna sound a little insane
I keep having the same dream
You will be the mother of my children someday

I heard you sleep with that obnoxious guy
I know he is in that famous band
You look so sad when you are with him
Yes I never see him reach to hold your hand

Yeah you can be with me
Yes I will treat you like a queen
I will go to all those chick flick movies
That I really don't want to see
Yeah you can be with me
No I will never let you down

any and all comments or responses are welcome at
wearing ear muffs doesnt help me study
by blocking out all the outside noise
it just makes the voices inside my head that much louder

swemming to freedom has its psychological side effects
everyone is insane here

any and all comments or responses are welcome at
the lights are up and working. so amazing. ESPN2 is here. in williamsburg. broadcasting from Zable stadium. primetime across the country tomorrow night. William and Mary will destroy JMU on national television and in front of a sold out crowd. it doesnt get much better than that.

at least it is something to look forward to that will help me make it through the rest of this week and this exam tomorrow....


any and all comments or responses are welcome at

Monday, December 06, 2004

a haiku:
students wait for primetime game
Tribe Pride flows over
Chattanooga will soon come

personal expression:
i have my ticket
i am going to paint
i dont care how cold it is
i will yell my head off
i will lose my voice
i will love every second of it
i am a member of the TRIBE

and yes i will paint up for my final i have on friday and wear a shirt over top so that i can take it off and go nuts....DO NOT MISS THIS GAME! GET YOUR TICKET!

ok....enough from me

The I in TRIBE

any and all comments or responses are welcome at
i gave you your own room
right next to mine
a closet, closed and locked tight
i've got the key to open whenever
but i don't let anyone else in

you have your own key
i made you a house key too
your very own copy
doesnt get as much use now
but more than i thought

the trouble is
and i didnt realize it at the time
but when i gave you the house key
i was saying the door is always open
you can come back any time
and either fix things up
or destroy everything

you have it now
i already gave it to you
and i cant change the locks

any and all comments or responses are welcome at