Scoreboard of Catan

Friday, July 29, 2005

all of Chapel Life has raved about my acting skills after the first three Chapel Lifes because i have been in the dramas and the American Idol skit. here are a couple of the many many pictures. it seems like everyone knows who i am.

as Simon from American Idol

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as the argumentative husband. i think i did too good of a job. people are having a hard time assuming that it was only an act...

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as the father of Billy, a Little League baseball player

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as Kurt, the rebellious son

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i got my first paycheck today. yay. go me. it is nice to be earning money.

last night, back in the day, nostalgia, weirdo where-the-heck-did-that-come-from event. i find out that a girl i had seen around campus, but really just met for the first time last night, is none other than Kirsten Shiroma, as in David Shiroma's sister, as in Trinity Christian School, as in long time ago.....very random and crazy. and she digs me. clearly. need i say more.

oh the things that happen at the leafe.

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this is where i work....awesome.

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Tuesday, July 26, 2005

i'm not even going to say anything. Strong Bad's revisions to the children's book speak for themselves. you are so right Strong Bad.

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Monday, July 25, 2005

yes. i know what dreamweaver, flash, and fireworks are....and i know how to use them. i make and maintain and change things with them. yeah so? so i get a little excited that i get new versions of the macromedia MX office suite and it is on my computer and i can use them for fun things....yeah so? shut up. youre a dork too. dont try to deny it.

giddy like Karla Petty at the release of the U2 iPod

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Saturday, July 23, 2005

in other news, it has come to my attention that i did not make a significant enough effort to recognize and thank those friends and acquaintances that kyle, chris, and myself spent time with in Athens, GA. so i will do that now. we had a great time. absolutely fabulous. the men of XY showed up and wrecked some serious house on the Pong table. those Georgia boys didnt know what was coming. they are probably still crying about it and have lost all confidence in their own skills at playing. we hung out with some really cool people, i got to introduce my W&M friends to the one and only Leslie D. Jones and then we got to meet a bunch of her friends. we got to go do up Athens right, ya know, the way a college town should be. and most of all we got to lay down the smack on leslie's vegetarian roommate who wanted to go get some crap for breakfast. immediate and decisive response: NO. we went to IHOP instead. the trip was amazing, we had a blast. I finally got to see Mitch Hedburg live at UGA, only a couple of weeks before he died. very tragic and sad. but at least my lasting memory of him will be his CD, which i love, his Comedy Central show, and actually seeing him in person. a very funny comedian, even if he had personal issues.

so on the whole, i loved the trip. it was well worth the drive. we had a wonderful time and kyle and chris loved meeting everybody. we would make the trip again in a heartbeat...maybe we will. who knows. we will see.

there you go leslie. sorry it was so belated.

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free switchfoot concert in norfolk. pretty awesome. got to spend quality time with some of my guys. there is something about some surfers from VA Beach via Southern CA singing about life from a Christian perspective that is really awesome. rock on. and i have had girls comment on my hair, saying that it looks like i am one of the guys in switchfoot, which is a huge compliment.

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Tuesday, July 19, 2005

colt 45 and two zigzags baby thats all we need

thank you Afroman
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dont ever underestimate the hilarity and happiness that will ensue when you experience Strong Bad's emails. how could i have been gone so long? i missed the silliness and general funniness of my favorite masked friend. never again shall i wait so long to visit him again and read his emails. if you dont know what i am talking about, what is wrong with you? and here is the link.

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Monday, July 18, 2005

for those who havent seen the newer, sleeker version of my head. here is a medium where you can experience it. enjoy.

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i swear if anyone ruins the ending of the new Harry Potter book before i get to read it, i will never speak to you again. i am completely serious.

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Sunday, July 17, 2005

in light of the impending release of the new Harry Potter book, a quick comment:

Hermione Granger, proof that dorks can be hot.

not just in the book obviously, Emma Watson was a perfect choice for the movies. and of course she is hot, she is supposed to be. That is how J.K. Rowling wrote the books. hot in an incredibly nerdy/intellectual way. and that just makes some of us go weak at the knees. now, of course, this level of hotness hasnt been achieved yet, it is what is sometimes called "potential level of attractiveness" by many famous scientists. she is the type of girl who is not hot or attractive now, because she is so young and that would be weird, but the potential for incredible hotness is very apparent. it is the, "wow, in ten years she is going to be a knockout" approach.

Hermione Granger, making every guy wish he was Harry Potter for one day.

according to one of her many fans' imaginary account of the life of Hermione, one of her quirks and habits is "Biting her bottom lip when in thought, twirling her hair on her finger"

all i have to say is get on the ball Harry. The girl is smoking. and brilliant to match.

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Wednesday, July 13, 2005

this is my flash file pick of the week. it is an old favorite. probably the most funny when you are really really tired or in a silly mood or influenced by a product frowned upon by government and society.

nonetheless, this one goes out to Karla Petty, who has yet to see it, if i am correct, Megann Jones, whose aplle pie is a stumbling block in my thought and lust life, and whoever put half of a key lime pie in the fridge at work and said it was for anyone. all of you, as well as the Market 314 duo, have contributed to my enjoyment of pie, and this makes me think of you.

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Monday, July 11, 2005

on the history of Thomas Jefferson (the over-rated, aloof, extortionist) leaving Williamsburg following the end of the Revolutionary War and lobbying heavily for the relocation of Virginia's state capital to Richmond. unlike his Patrick Henry, a fellow alumnus of the College and member of the Williamsburg community, when Jefferson took the reins of government away from Henry, he abandoned his home and ran away, closer to his dream location for a conglomeration of snooty, elitist, bastards lying to their parents about how they want to go there because they want to get an education and telling their friends that they wont ever change to fit in.
at this time Williamsburg's economy fell apart. Being the capital city was a big deal and had been for some time. when that prestige was moved west, the city suffered. The only two institutions that survived this meltdown were the College of William and Mary (of course, those resilient nerds...) and the Public Hostpital for the Insane (now know as Eastern State Mental Hospital, a section of which has been an off-campus dorm, Dillard, for unlucky students lacking social skills or a good lottery number). Of course, in the tradition of Williamsburg hating the students at the College ever since the founding fathers left, they liked to joke about the irony of the situation. even as the enrollment at the College diminished, they would joke that the only difference between these two remaining institutions was that one of them, the latter, required some proof of improvement before letting you leave. thus sealing the fate of countless over-worked, excessively-stressed, borderline-insane, and perpetually-hated students at the College of William and Mary and their relation to the surrounding community.

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now, i dont mean to butt heads with the Maker's Mark faithful, but honestly, at times i think Virginia Gentleman is better. or at least, i prefer it. i feel that is my opinion and i am entitled to it. but there is a little bit of a history lesson i would like to pass on concerning the distilling of bourbon. for those who care and for those that think Virginia Gentleman is "glorified water" or nothing more than a state of mind and a character trait...

first of all, everyone thinks about bourbon in the wrong way. they say that it must be distilled in Kentucky to be named bourbon, but that isnt really the distinction. just like any tall tale, it has been twisted over the years. and it wasnt until my brother made a joking, off-the-cuff remark about my bourbon of choice, Virginia Gentleman, and how it has no right to use the name bourbon because it isnt distilled in Kentucky, that i decided to get more information on the matter than i could extract from my whisk(e)y book.

everyone talks about Elijah Craig as the father of bourbon, or the first one to ever distill it. Elijah Craig this, Elijah Craig that. Listen, Elijah Craig is nothing more than and exaggerated example used by frightened distillers being oppressed during Prohibition to justify their work, which had become very successful and profitable. What better way to justify your business of making whiskey than to point to a man with a (coincidentally, i'm sure) religiously-affiliated name who happens to be a Baptist minister. They try to lessen the appearence of their own "sin" (according to the feds i guess. since when did the Constitution say that our government was allowed to enforce and coerce and destroy on the basis of their own moral standards? dont ask this lady) by pointing to this Baptist minister (who most certainly must be a righteous and upstanding citizen) and saying he was doing it too. of course elijah Craig was making whiksey, everyone was. as soon as the western expansion got over those mountains and they began to settle, one of the first things they did was build distilleries. Did Craig exist? yes. did he produce whiskey? yes. was he the first? no. was he in Bourbon County? no. but the people needed someone to put up on front of the government as an example to show that making alcohol wasnt all that bad. they essentially wanted to tarnish Craig's name so that theirs didnt look that dirty. but the ironic result was that Craig's name is now the most famous to come out of the formative years of bourbon whiksey production. even though he wasnt the first and wasnt from Bourbon County.
Bourbon Whiskey really originally got it's name from elsewhere, not from inside Bourbon County Kentucky. not only has that county been split up and re-drawn many times, but what is now called or thought to be Bourbon county was originally in Virginia. if people try to make claims about special water sources or the land or anything that that which might contribute to the quality of the whiskey, they need to realize that all of that was originally Virginian. anyways. this argument/discussion is going in circles. Elijah Craig is pointed to because it seemed to be advantageous at the time to pick a moral, upstanding Baptist preacher to represent the production of whiskey. it wasnt because he was the first one to do it. he wasnt even from Kentucky, but then again Bourbon County wasnt originally in Kentucky either. There is a whole huge section of Kentucky that can be called Bourbon County because of the district boundaries and how they have been changed over the years. the whiskey that they produced was for personal consumption originally. then people shared it with friends and then it expanded from there. when they shipped their barrels of whiskey, they would send them floating down to the Ohio River. the barrels would be labelled "Old Bourbon" to clarify that these barrels were coming from the original county of Bourbon, not that whole area that people liked to call Bourdon. People from other counties would say that they were from Bourbon just to be associated with them. Those with the original recipes and the original production, would differentiate themselves by writing "Old Bourbon" on their barrels. This led to the recipients asking for "old Boubrbon whiskey" by name since their batches were much better than anything else produced at that time. this changed to just bourbon whiskey, referring to a type of whiskey, a level of quality, a taste, a specific recipe. It wasnt referring to a specific area of the state anymore, other people had produced bourbon whiskey that tasted as good or better. it originated from that area called Bourbon County, named after the House of Bourbon in France as a sign of appreciation and thanks for the French army's help in the Revolutionary War. That whiskey was good and it has been imitated ever since. Did Elijah Craig learn how to make bourbon while he was in Virginia? was it being produced in that area when it was still called Virginia? this is all very likely. as soon as the pioneers settled west, they would set up distilleries to make whiskey. so being a bourbon whiskey refers to a type of drink, but it all could very easily be called Virginian Bourbon Whiskey instead of Kentucky. if you want to argue about such small, insigificant things.

the bottom line is that Virginia Gentleman, the only remaining bourbon distilled outside of Kentucky, has a right to claim that it is bourbon. others from Kentucky can argue all they want, but they have no leg to stand on. it meets all the original requirements of a bourbon whiskey, the original distillers of Virginia Gentleman lived in the same county as Elijah Craig in western Virginia and im sure taught him a couple things. yet Virginia Gentleman does not try to fit in with the other bourbons, they know where their heritage lies and they identify with it gladly. They put it on the label: Virginia Bourbon Whiskey. it is accurate and correct. it is produced in Virginia, but it is still bourbon. They do have a unique, re-distillation process that starts in Kentucky and then ends in the very unique copper still in Fredericksburg, VA. the result is a unique, award-winning flavor. and from there it is up to you and your tastebuds to decide what you want and which bourbon you prefer. or i guess you could just drink Mike's Hard Berry and Smirnoff Ice instead of bourbon. I feel proud that i am a Virginia gentleman and will continue to drink to such. it is good and i support it. the 4-year and the 6-year are both very good and are working hard to train my palette to love bourbon.

try VG90 (aka The Fox) next to your Jim Beam or Maker's or Elijah Craig or Knob Creek and see how it stacks up. I think you will be pleasantly surprised.

but most importantly, enjoy the beverage and the company you share it with.

here are a couple links that you can look at if you are interested in learning some more about the history or read some reviews of Virginia Gentleman.

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I don't care if monday's blue
tuesday's grey and wednesday too
thursday I don't care about you
it's friday I'm in love

monday you can fall apart
tuesday wednesday break my heart
thursday doesn't even start
it's friday I'm in love

saturday wait
and sunday always comes too late
but friday never hesitate...

I don't care if monday's black
tuesday wednesday heart attack
thursday never looking back
it's friday I'm in love

monday you can hold your head
tuesday wednesday stay in bed
or thursday watch the walls instead
it's friday I'm in love

saturday wait
and sunday always comes too late
but friday never hesitate...

dressed up to the eyes
it's a wonderful surprise
to see your shoes and your spirits rise
throwing out your frown
and just smiling at the sound
and as sleek as a shriek
spinning round and round
always take a big bite
it's such a gorgeous sight
to see you in the middle of the night
you can never get enough
enough of this stuff
it's friday
I'm in love

hoping for Friday...

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Sunday, July 10, 2005

in response to a posting on C&E's Market 314 blog on Friday, June 10, 2005...
topic: a fantastic post on a treasure of the South: Sweet Tea...
"Many have tried to replicate this nectar of the gods (including Arizona Teas and my brother's ex-girlfriend), but I must admit that BTQ's recipe looks to be a winner.>"

firstly: Sweet Tea must surely be capitalized and said with a slightly southern drawl, even when ordering in restaurants, such as Ruby Tuesday's (which has fairly decent Sweet Tea)

secondly: in Shannon's defense (not sure if I should, but I will defend her nonetheless) I am not sure which attempt you are referring to, but her mother does make amazing Sweet Tea...real, sun-brewed, 500g sugar, rich with soothing power and a hint of lemon, Sweet Tea. Shannon tried a couple times and made some pretty good batches when i was in Lynchburg with her and her family, much better than Arizona's version, not quite as good as her mother's or the amazing Waffle House in Georgia. so, not too shabby. i think you were referring to her trying to fix it for us at folkstone once? anyways. a valiant attempt at something very difficult. and the tools she had to work with at our house weren't the best either. anyways. the defense rests. moving on.

thirdly: Arizona's Sweet Tea attempt (subtitled "Southern Style") is acceptable and delicious for a couple reasons. it comes in a really freaking big can, which is cool to drink out of. it is 99 cents. it is sweet. it is good. it is the best sweet tea that you are going to find at a WAWA or 7-Eleven, the only thing better would be Chick Fil-A, Waffle House, or home-brewed real Sweet Tea....but those arent the easiest to procure (no intended, but recognized, double entendre or innuendo in light of alternate definitions of "procure" which could be easily associated with the incredible experience one gets from drinking real Sweet Tea). it also beats the pants off of Lipton's attempt to conjure the southern libation's power.

finally: i would like to support, and will continue to, a company (Arizona Tea), which is attempting to reach out to those who love Sweet Tea. recognizing it as not only a marketable tea option, alongside green, diet and lemon, but in many demographics, being faced with that as an option, all other beverages in the case will fade to the background and there will be no choice to be made. and for the skeptics, one try will make them life-long supporters.

i am sad to report that the most recent Sweet Tea i bought was sold in a bottle. same design, but put in the bottle instead of the can. now, normally, and in all other circumstances, i would rather drink something from a bottle...

Top 5 Mediums from which to consume a beverage:
1: Bavarian Stein (mug)
2: Cold bottle (beer-style, but includes Coke)
3: Glass (wine, short-drink, tall-drink, frosted mug)
4: Aluminium can (must be cold, otherwise superseded by #5)
5: Plastic bottle (the attrocities that these sporting event vendors get away with, serving beer {even if it is crappy} in a plastic bottle just because people might throw a glass bottle on the field. ugh...that is a tirade for another time)

...however in this situation, because the Sweet Tea is now sold in a glass bottle, they feel justified in charging more money for it, even though there is less tea. that is ruining two of the things that convinced me that Arizona's attempt was worth supporting: cheap and a big can. oh well. whatever. if the cans disappear, so shall my business.
i have fallen behind on checking the blog maintained by the Lancaster, PA Belen representatives. it was much to my delight to see that new posts had been made since i last visited. feel free to visit the blog yourself.

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Friday, July 08, 2005

i feel like it is never good enough....argh.

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comment of the night:
"you guys are going to make great dads."
-jess in response to smitty and i doing a drama for Chapel Life where we played fathers...

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yesterday, starting at the 2:45 bedtime, through the 8-5 work day (wrought with stress and anxiety and pressure), including the 5:30-8 Chapel Life marathon and stress scene, to the 8:30-12:30 hard work and sweat to repair the Chapel Life damage and set up for a wedding, to my final return to my home and my bed....almost 24 hours later....this has been the longest day of my life

i feel emaciated, vapid, drained....and the week isnt over yet. tomorrow may very well be worse.

you are my strength when i am weak...

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005

more music lyrics compliments of my new playlists, a Jeep, a rainy day, many pensive hours, and emotional chaos.

So if you want to be with me
With these things there's no telling
we'll just have to wait and see
But I'd rather be working for a pay check
Than waiting to win the lottery
Besides, maybe this time it's different
I mean, I really think you like me

-Bright Eyes

Oh, you're a hard one,
But I know that you've got your reasons...
Now it seems to me, some fine things,
Have been laid upon your table.
But you only want the things that you can't get...
Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?
Come down from your fences, and open the gate
It may be rainin', but there's a rainbow above you,
You better let somebody love you,
Before it's too late

-Eagles (covered by Johnny Cash)

Do You Realize - that everyone you know
Someday will die -

And instead of saying all of your goodbyes - let them know
You realize that life goes fast
It's hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn't go down
It's just an illusion caused by the world spinning round

Do You Realize - that you have the most beautiful face

-The Flaming Lips

Never know how long i have waited
anticipated your smile to be pressed against mine

-Jason Mraz

The suckers lose themselves
In the games they learn to play
Children love to sing but
Then their voices slowly fade away
People always take a step away
From what is true
You make me want you
An open invitation to the dance

-Third Eye Blind

a lot to think about and process...

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the sun is bright
the sun is warm
my hair is blonde
and flows freely
wind-tossed and blown
there is nothing quite like a tan, blonde boy smiling in the sun
regardless how little the exterior resembles a boy

it has been good to get away from williamsburg and go have some fun with family and friends. because now it is time to buckle down and face the real world. because i have a job! yes. a job. a REAL job. full-time. crazy, i know.

after the initial period of allowing this change to register, i actually am very excited to start this job. there is something about actually having the opportunity to work and earn some money that i can save and use towards things i need. or just keep saved to provide security.

it is like Conor Oberst says: "But I'd rather be working for a pay check
Than waiting to win the lottery"

which i think applies to actual work and relationships....since they can be a form of work too.... starts tomorrow.

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