Scoreboard of Catan

Friday, March 28, 2008


Ryan and the Cardinals (w/ Catherine Popper stepping in on the background vocals instead of Kim Richey) performing on Letterman. Dave does seem to really love Ryan's music. And I love that he chose to play this instead of one of his other songs. I mean he was touring to promote his new album, but decided to play a song from Heartbreaker instead. Rock.
If only the FCC would get a life and stop censoring everything, then we would get to hear the whole song without vocals cutting out. Grow up, there are more important things to fix in this world than a couple bad words.

I found this interesting music video on YouTube as well. It is actually the original video shot for Ryan's song "New York, New York" on Gold. But the album release date and video editing all fell right at September 11, not that they could do anything about that... When they decided to re-edit the music video and use the original "performing" shots, in spite of having the Twin Towers in the background, they used different footage for the B roll. The video they released was really good, but I like this footage a lot too. I can see why they changed the focus of the video and because of that, the song was a very popular song to rally around following the tragedy. Putting the music for "When the Stars Go Blue" over top of the video creates an oddly intense effect. Also, having the whole video be "silent," in the sense that it has no shots of Ryan performing or singing, really adds to the power of the lyrics.

For good measure, here's the video they released for "New York, New York"

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

supporting thirst mutilation worldwide

Ok... so I can't believe I have been missing out on this, but thanks to some Ultimate frisbee friends, I was tipped off to the existence of Brawndo.... clearly the most awesome anything EVER!  So, I found their awesome commercials and died laughing (literally, I was crying cause I was laughing so hard, but didn't actually die like in the Monty Python sketch).  Check them out, as well as the College Humor video spoof at the bottom.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Am I making all the right moves,
Am I singing you the right blues,
Is there a chance that I could call you,
Just to see how you are doing?

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

blindsided on some idle tuesday

if dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts

last time I checked, ghosts were scary... so Adam, I think you are even more right than you think.  nostalgia is a dangerous and powerful thing.  heart wrenching and melting all at once.  drive a spike deep, run through and through, but shed a tear and a smile for the better days...

Thursday, March 06, 2008

dear iPod,
as much as I normally hate it when your shuffle function gets lazy or doesn't work well, playing multiple songs by the same artist, as if you can't find anyone else in your thousands of songs.... the fact that today you played 5 Ryan Adams songs in a row didn't bother me. in fact I liked it. so, good job... keep up the good work.

Dan (aka your owner and music supplier)

Wednesday, March 05, 2008


rarely do trees cut such stark silhouettes in the night sky
'neath man-lit clouds, the city sleeps restlessly
the taste of "the beautiful hollow by the broad bay"
Islay meets Fuente and melds with angel tears
not just close to nature
soak it up and let it soak in
in it and among it and imbibing it
late nights with light skies

that's why i sing
lord, i wanna yearn for you
i wanna burn with passion over you
and only you

your strength is made perfect
when i am weak
and all that i cling to
i lay at your feet
your grace is sufficient for me

Saturday, March 01, 2008

It's almost too cute...

She's on par with that adorable Welch's grape juice girl... Except less exploited for childish cuteness...