Scoreboard of Catan

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Way I See It #17

The World bursts at the seams with people ready to tell you you're not good enough.
On occasion, some may be correct.
But do not do their work for them.
Seek any job; ask anyone out; pursue any goal.
Don't take it personally when they say "no" - they may not be smart enough to say "yes."

-Keith Olbermann

I am not a huge fan of Olbermann, but I thought this quote was pretty good and pretty inspiring.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


This always makes my day.  Oh memories...
But seriously, Matty Mo... You wanna talk smack, when it comes down to it, I spanked your ass.  Bad.  End of story.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Was Ron Paul right?

Looks like we shouldn't be so surprised about what is happening if we had been listening to the right people... Seems this guy would have been a better financial advisor than anyone Obama or McCain picks.

Maybe Ron Paul wasn't so crazy after all... He sure sounds like he knows what he is talking about, much more so than Obama or McCain.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Why I love Scott Van Pelt

You can always count on Scott to make obscure, but awesome, cultural references.

That's of course from Flight of the Conchords, see below: