Scoreboard of Catan

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Plenty of Hiding Places

1,018 pages. That's plenty of room to hide unsavory regulations and edicts.

Interestingly enough, only 16 pages into the massive "health care for all Americans" bill, there is a restriction that should outrage any free people. Walking hand-in-hand in the setting sun of a democratic republic are mandatory state-run health care and individual insurance deemed illegal.

Shouldn't we, the people, be concerned by the incredible amount of pressure and force applied by the Obama administration and leaders in Congress to get this bill passed in an expeditious manner? Why such a huge document? Why push it through so fast? Is it cause you're afraid people might figure out what you're really up to? Afraid the warm, fuzzy feelings will wear off and your starry-eyed faithful will finally start questioning you and your motives?
“To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.”

-Thomas Jefferson
Where is the healthy cynicism and distrust of a rapidly expanding federal government? Where is the accountability and transparency?

Friday, July 17, 2009

25 Steps to a More Perfect World

I like this guy's ideas... Also the Ralph Steadman picture.

Ok. Maybe not all of his ideas, but most of them. Here are my faves:

#1 - "No more bathroom attendants. They're just creepy. And hell, no more charging money for stuff that used to be free. Now give us our little bag of peanuts, airlines."
  • Not just creepy, bathroom attendants also create awkward situations in a place where awkward situations should be avoided like the plague. Do I tip you for doing something that I can do myself? Do I feel obligated to buy your little travel size mouthwash and then tip you? Why does this make me feel like I am in pre-civil-rights Alabama?
#2 - "Carpentry, plumbing, and electrical courses would be mandatory for all boys in middle school."
  • Couldn't agree more. I would add basic auto repair to the list. Our generation does have to (or get to) work on cars the way our dads did and I think that ultimately that is a bad thing. And don't get up on your high horse (or any horse for that matter) about "how come it's only for boys?" It's because boys grow up and become men (theoretically) and are immediately expected to know all of this stuff. If Sally wants to work in the machine shop to pay for her Doc Martens and Godsmack concert tickets, have at it.
#10 - "Men would be permitted to admit uncertainty, and women would find this hot."
  • Why are we expected to have everything figured out all the time? Also, do we always have to be thinking about something deep and philosophical? I submit that "Nothing" should be an appropriate answer to "What are you thinking?"
#12 - "Women would start with the climax of their stories, and then go back and fill in the details (if we ask)."

#19 - "Singing 'Happy Birthday' at the office (with or without cake) would result in immediate termination."