Scoreboard of Catan

Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Thoughts for today:

Dining Services, what the heck am I paying you ridiculous amounts of money for? There is no good food to eat. We must revert to eating pizza, spinach and cereal for dinner. I know you will say, well that is a lot more than some people get to eat in this world. True. But i am paying The College enough money to buy some small countries. I should get good food in return.

PowerBook G4 15 inch......coolest thing ever. So psyched. I dont even know all the fun things it can do yet, but I'm learing and enjoying every second of it.

Best Sour Patch Kids combination in the mouth at the same time: red and green. Yum.

This is your life and it is ending one minute at a time.

Skinny-dipping is more socially acceptable for a gentleman than previously thought.

I am so glad my exam is over with and now i just have a ton more work to look forward to after the fun, but busy homecoming weekend.

The great thing about monkeys is.........EVERYTHING!

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