Scoreboard of Catan

Thursday, April 14, 2005

no....this isnt a joke. this actually happened. it is funny, but it actually happened.

that's what i'm talking about...
vote for pedro
and then vote for me...

now, dont get me wrong. i love the movie. clearly. i dont think i need to remind you of that. do i? i just think it is sad and unfathomable that our government never gets anything worthwhile done, but only panders to whatever is the most popular at the time. that they take sides on the terry shiavo case, in direct defiance of the Constitution and it's focus on checks and balances in our government, they fight a war on drugs that cannot be won, they get involved in conflict half-ass, they dont explore options for fuel alternatives, they will not allow farmers to produce mass amounts of food to feed the hungry around the world, they wont focus on exports instead of imports, they wont stop sending all our labor to asia or giving it to robots, and they have organizations which limit and control our freedoms and liberty to such an extent that it should be considered repression. the list goes on. our government is worthless, they refuse to do something useful or worthwhile cause that means they would have to take a risk. all they care about is re-election and not about what really needs to be done and how they can change the world. they want to leave the important issues up in the air so that we can argue about them, so that they can figure out where the public opinion lies, so that they can take a side of the issue which will ensure they get re-elected. meanwhile they can get worthless and meaningless legislation passed immediately if they want to jump on the bandwagon of popularity. if there is an uproar over a woman who is about to die, they will be there to make legislation to stop it. if there is a movie that is popular and that everyone loves, they will write legislation to honor it. and dont say, oh that is just politics. you're right, cause politics is corrupt and underhanded and sleazy.

that is all.

any and all comments or responses are welcome at

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