Scoreboard of Catan

Monday, October 16, 2006

You're #1!!!

As if going grocery shopping by yourself, for yourself, isn't depressing enough, what with the knowing looks as you pick out only three bananas or the half gallon of milk or the pint of Ben and Jerry's....and then to top it off, One comes on the loud speaker.  And no.  I don't mean U2's One, no matter who has covered it.  I mean Harry Nilsson's One.  Yeah.  That one.  The one that goes:

Its just no good anymore since you went away
now I spend my time just making up rhymes of yesterday
one is the loneliest number
one is the loneliest number
one is the loneliest number
since you went away

I don't know why, but I imagined it being sung by this bunny... kinda sad

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