Scoreboard of Catan

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

I don't buy it...

It seems the end of the road is near for Hillary Clinton.  For whatever reason(s), the voters have shifted their approval away from her and now support Obama and Edwards.  The momentum is definitely not on Clinton's side.

Yet on Tuesday, in what seems to be a last ditch effort to redefine herself and save her campaign, she didn't talk politics from a podium, she spoke from the heart, with emotion, to a small group of voters in a coffee shop (see video here).  Ok sorry... I can't keep that up any long... and I think I might have just thrown up a little bit in my mouth.  I can't keep up the facade and try to talk about this photo op PR scam as if it were merely a "moment of weakness."  Come on!  It was planned, calculated, fabricated acting meant to tug at the emotions of voters and make them feel sorry for her.  Clinton is campaigning for sympathy votes now.  Wow, that is really reassuring. She is running for the President of the United States, right?  Not junior class SGA rep?

The tears and emotion look so fake and so rehearsed that it is as comical as it is underhanded.  The setting is of course staged as well, a small, intimate coffee shop setting, where she will supposedly be able to "let her hair down" and interact closely with the women joining her there.  ABC news had a reporter stationed there as well, whose article is very clearly pro-Clinton.  It is a step short of campaign propaganda.  Is ABC on the Ice Queen's payroll?  Or maybe they just expect to be able to cash in on covering her favorably and Obama negatively when (if) Clinton reaches office.

Another disturbing part of this, ya know apart from the blatant, almost-begging, nature of this latest campaign stunt, is that she is targeting women so hardcore.  It is as if she has decided to just focus on the female vote and try to go after that.  She warms up those Clinton lying and acting genes (she did learn from the best after all) and goes right to work, convincing these women that she is human and emotional and that she is really having a tough time campaigning.  She is trying to remind them, "Hey, remember, I am a woman over here?  You should be voting for me cause you're a woman too."  The implicit message is that she sees herself as a viable candidate only to the female population and is now complaining, almost whining like a spoiled little girl who didn't get her way, because the big, bad men are picking on her.

During the video she repeatedly says "us" when talking about struggles and things that need to be changed in the country.  It sounds like she is talking about the nation as a whole, but I think the double meaning or perhaps actual meaning, the context of which this clip has been plucked from, is that she is speaking to the women in the room and all female voters, trying to rally them around her as a "band of sisters" who need to care for each other and support each other. It has now become an "us" vs. "them" battle that is no longer Democrat-Republican, Liberal-Conservative, or even Obama vs. Clinton. Instead she tried to paint a new dichotomy, female against male, to inspire women to vote for her as a step of unity and empowerment against male societal and political bullying.

It is no longer about comparing candidates on their character, experience, policy stances, or even past record.  She is shedding some "woe-is-me" tears and trying to get the female pity vote.  More so than ever before, I can see that she isn't fit for the office of President.

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