Scoreboard of Catan

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

more Beijing developments...

Outspoken Olympic gold medalist kept out of China.
Because clearly, anyone who is "outspoken" about anything, other than singing the praises of the Chinese state, needs to be silenced and will not be welcome. It is yet another example of the Chinese government clamping down control on the dissemination of information. I hope these games expose these issues, if for nothing else, to make us grateful for the freedoms we do have and be willing to fight to defend them (from our enemies, but more likely from our own government).

Beijing a great choice in disguise?
This interesting article takes a different look at the Olympic debate, saying that the fact that we know so little about China and their people and government, coupled with the fact that our interest in the Games largely hinges on needing "bad guys" to defeat, makes China the perfect choice to hose these games. According to the author, it is just the shot in the arm the Olympics needed to get people to watch.

President Bush's clarification of his stance on China and the Olympics and his reasons for attending. Ole W gets a little fired up answering this one...

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