Scoreboard of Catan

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Above the Law

Apparently the DC cops are whining about these things called laws being enforced... oh, the difference is that this time, they are the ones breaking the rules, not a member of the general public.  So, of course, they expect special treatment.  They think that since they have a badge, they can park illegally in Judiciary Square and not get a ticket.

“I just couldn’t believe a fellow police officer would tell me he was giving me a ticket without even let me explain some of the circumstances,”

Yeah, about that.  The way it works for the "rest of us" is that if there isn't a legal parking space open in front of the place we need to go, whether that is the courthouse or Dr. Spanky's Waffl-o-rama, you go find a space that may in fact be farther away!!  Get used to it coppers.  Get your panties out of a wad and go park around the corner.  Or better yet, lobby for specially marked "cops-only" spaces right in front of the courthouse.  That's ultimately what you want anyways, right?  To make sure everyone knows you're special?  The gun and badge aren't enough validation for you?

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Wow - this is ridiculous. Why shouldn't they get tickets for parking illegally? Just because they're law enforcement, doesn't mean they're above the laws they enforce. They should be setting examples.