Scoreboard of Catan

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

wow, another great article, this one on evolution and religion and the former's attempt to paint the latter as irrelevant. (the link is at the bottom, but you have to read through my reaction first to get there)

it is a long one, but it really is worth the read. Well-written, as objective as one can be. Presenting the opinions and stances from all sides to build up to an interestingly anti-climactic and post-modernistic ending. Leaving you with the statement, "You decide."

It is interesting because I have held a stance similar to this for a long time. Trying to exclude a holy God from the picture of life by making science the ruling body. Our human inclination to pass the blame and avoid conviction and responsibility has bled into our religious construct. we want to be our own god, we dont want to have to answer to anyone. we want to have the facts and know everything and be completely autonomous in our fallen state of perpetual sinning, able to exclude the reality of a Creator God who is jealous and demands our allegiance and worship.

It is so much easier for science to be the basis for life and politics. it isnt faith; it is something tangible. it is something we can do, something we can prove. but the evolution of this theory has spawned the reality that the scientific community has taken control of all academic pursuits, so that Orwell's Thought Police will keep you from thinking about anything other than what they want you to hear. you will believe what the Machine tells you to believe, you will be taught that there is no other possible explanation, you are told that you are closed-minded and imbecilic if you believe or attempt to support an opposing stance. You have no choice but to believe what they preach. and the result is that God is painted out of the picture, his creation is nothing more than a random chaotic mix of genes and chromosomes and DNA, the one who was created in His image is now an upgraded version of a protozoa...replaced by rationality and the scientific method. No God, no faith, no soul.

one of the greatest points, which unfortunately strikes close to home in a lot of the areas I have studied, how can you still support anything that Darwin preaches when his theories, specifically in The Descent of Man, convinced Hitler that his race was superior and that the Jews were inferior and that any weak, sick, injured, impaired human being, a prized creation in God's eyes, must be exterminated in order to cleanse the human race with the intention of removing those individuals Darwin claimed were "highly injurious to the race of man."

here are some quotes from the article to whet your appetite:

"If Galileo and Copernicus were the scientific rebels who were
once punished by the dogma and authority of the church, these advocates now
believe that they are being punished by the dogma and authority of science."

"...natural selection may favor those who do not believe in natural selection..."

and here is that actual link to the article...

any and all comments or responses are welcome at

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