Scoreboard of Catan

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Spirit of Troof

I ran across this video again. It had been a while, but it still makes me laugh. I know the language is bad, but that is the funniest part. Is this guy really a preacher somewhere? This is some sort of phone-in program, but just like the camera work and video "special effects," the audio is so shoddy, you can't hear the callers. So it looks like this preacher is just talking to himself, which makes it even better.

Once again, brace yourself for the language. It really is over the top...

I don't know which is best:
  • His trimmed, balding head and braided ponytail
  • His missing tooth
  • The background/green screen picture that doesn't change. Is that Yosemite Falls?
  • When he randomly starts laughing in an unsettlingly insane way
  • When he throws out expletives every other word while talking about Jesus and the Holy Spirit
Lord, please help us...

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