Scoreboard of Catan

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Taking it too far...

Man, it is stuff like this that pisses me off.

First of all, after watching the video, I would be willing to give the business owner the benefit of the doubt. Maybe he didn't know it is illegal to fly any other flag above the American flag. Judging by a couple of the ignorant comments to the news story, it seems that there may be quite a few people living in this country, let alone citizens, that don't know about this law.

I do, however, know this law as well as the other regulations for correctly handling (and disposing of) an American flag. Maybe it's because I was in the Boy Scouts or was raised in the family I was, taught these important lessons and ideals by my parents, or maybe it is my excellent observational skills that allowed me to notice how the American flag is honored and respected when flown over businesses and federal buildings (even if the US flag is at half-mast), or even the United Nations building (all flags are at the same height and are the same size, except for the UN flag, because United Nations property is technically international territory) or the way a color guard dips all flags but the US flag during the National Anthem.

So, yes, I know the law. I know both the letter and the spirit of the law and watching that video sickens and saddens me. But not because some dirty infidels from south of the border are purposefully insulting our country. Yes, the man was wrong to fly the Mexican flag over his business like that. But isn't there a more civil way of addressing the situation? Do you really believe that the flying of the Mexican flag above ours was a defiant and cowardly attack on America, Mr. Psycho-war-vet?? He wasn't declaring war or trying to come out and "fight" you as you claim, he was showing support for the Hispanic community in Reno and didn't know it was illegal.

Someone should have informed him that what he was doing was against the law instead of cutting down his flag and throwing it on the ground. The look of confusion, fear, and brokenness when the owner walks over to pick up his Mexican flag off the ground makes me really sad. He is an American citizen and I am sure he was wondering why he isn't welcome in our country, why he isn't accepted. Is this how we treat our own citizens? Is this how we "welcome" them into our country?

In our country, our flag and all it stands for should have a place of honor, not flown below another flag, not used as a picnic blanket or a firestarter, not left in the attic to be eaten by moths or thrown away in the trash can. Too many people have served and died to protect the freedoms we have in this country to disrespect the symbol of that freedom. But we should not trade freedom for oppression and antagonization of others who come here to enjoy those same freedoms. Let him support the Hispanics and his heritage, but inform him of the law and the reason for it so that he can willingly comply, instead of ripping down the flag and throwing it on the ground. Don't just slap some fishsticks on a plate and throw them in the microwave, take some time and teach him how to fish for himself.

Secondly, those comments replying to the story were some of the most ignorant things I have ever read.
  1. Hey, hippie-liberal Oregon boy, I was going to rail on your lack of knowledge about our country (spending too much time reading Nietzsche and Marx?) and its flag, but since I already covered that and it appears you are not alone in your ignorance, I'll have to figure out some-other-way-to-mock-your-incredibly-annoying-excessive-use-of-hyphens. And no, just because you are a self-proclaimed "white American male" (really? In Oregon??) that doesn't mean you inherit knowledge of all things American. You still have to pay attention, study, and learn. Idiot.
  2. And to the lady from Ashburn (I know it is an assumption, get over it), representing the Old Dominion so well, you lost me very early in your comment, so I skipped it and went on to the next one. Only after coming back later did I see that I may almost agree with you on some parts of your statement. But the fact of the matter is, Jesus wouldn't be getting involved in politics, even if some of the things he did upset the overly religious and political. And the act of you just throwing his name around as if it is a "Get Out of Jail Free" card that will help you win any argument is offensive to me. Jesus would care more about this man than about his actions, even if they did violate the law.
  3. And Ms. Hernandez, I am not sure which flag you were referring to as "the Flag," but neither of them needs capitalization. And if you were referring to the Mexican flag in such a way, bestowing such great honor on it by giving it a capital letter and treating it as its own proper noun, then it sounds like you might be further off the wrong end of the pool than this poor business owner. At least he wasn't doing this to glorify The Flag of Mexico. But judging by the rest of your post, you just don't understand when to use the Shift key. See below.
  4. And maybe I am picky, but the spelling and grammar errors that are rampant throughout these posts piss me off so much. I am not claiming that I never make mistakes, but good grief! Some things said were nonsensical and stupid, but even some comments with a point were so filled with flaws I was too distracted to actually get it. "If you aint got nothin' nice to say (including grammar and spelling), then don't say nothin' at all..."
Alright. That is all I have to say about that. Remember, freedom isn't free; it costs a buck o' five.

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