Scoreboard of Catan

Thursday, April 10, 2008

a few things...

Are you allowed to refer to someone as "some dude" when you are working for a news radio station? I mean it is one thing if you are some trying-to-be-cool-and-hip disc jockey. Then, of course you're going to throw out every word you can think of that will give you street cred (like saying everything is "so hot" or adding "izzle" to the end of every word).

But if you are on the radio, a news radio station, and on top of that, you are the traffic lady (I use that term lightly), you can't say "dude," I'm sorry. That is completely unprofessional. And I know you are trying to sound younger than your 50 year old self feels, but what if your kids were to ever actually listen to you on the radio. "Mom, did you say 'dude' on the radio this morning? Everyone at school was talking about it. So embarrassing."

Even worse, Miss Jive Talker, this was in the middle of a serious traffic report... for people going to work and sitting in rush hour traffic. And then in the middle of your report you go "oh yeah and over on 270, some dude is getting arrested in the right lane, so watch out for that." And then continue to say dude three more times! Ridiculous!

Moving on.
I will once again contend that the workplace should not become your daycare center. This stance was supported by none other than Jack Bauer and the CTU team. Chloe had to bring her baby into the office in the middle of a crisis (surprise) and she got reprimanded for that behavior. If Jack were actually there in the office (and not out saving the world, getting caught by terrorists, and killing people like he always does) he probably would have dropkicked the baby out the window and said something like "Goddamnit, Chloe!! We are at war here! If you bring a baby to work, the terrorists win! Not today, Chloe. Not today." Classic.

And thanks to a tip off from a co-worker, I started watching a new tv show called Top Gear. It airs on BBC America, so not everyone gets it I guess, but it is an awesome show. The hosts primarily test new (amazing) cars from all over the world and talk about how amazing they are (salivary glands activated) but then also try to be objective and actually find things wrong with the cars, ie the things you would notice after driving it for a couple months and the glow of how awesome the car looks has worn off. They also usually have a celebrity on the show, talk about cars, and then send the celeb out on the track to do a lap in an economy car (everyone drives the same car) and see how they stack up against the other celebrity guests. And then sometimes they have shows that are fun, crazy challenges (like buying a 2WD used car in Africa for under $1200 and then driving it across Botswana) that are really entertaining to watch. So, if you get BBC America, you should go check it out. Cause you can only watch so many re-runs of Pros vs. Joes before you get sick.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I came over from Lauren's blog and just wanted to say hi and Top Gear rules! We TiVo it and love it.

Happy Saturday to you!