Scoreboard of Catan

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

in the news

This is disgusting, sad, and makes me really angry: Teen girls from cult were impregnated
And they were up in arms about their rights being violated and how they had the right to practice their religion and their traditions.  Well, I am sorry, but horny 50 year old men creating a religious cult just so they can fulfill their fetish to have sex with young girls is not ok.  I don't care what the religion is, someone needs to step in and protect these girls from this abuse, not to mention the fact that they got pregnant and supposedly carried their babies to the full term...

Bad idea: More Accessible Viagra
I think in general, the idea of Viagra is a bad one, but making it freely and readily available... I don't see that ending well.  Granted, I am not in the position of some of these men (or their wives for that matter) so I can't really speak to it or identify.  But... I think at some point you have to think about why there are so many people having trouble.  Is it psychological or maybe emotional?  Maybe they just aren't as turned on by their wives as they used to be but want to pass the buck and blame something or someone else.  Having a disorder to point to and a pill that fixes it seems to be the easiest way.  I don't know.  If it is increasing intimacy and enriching the relationship of older couples, then I guess that is great.  I just wonder if we really can or need to fix everything by popping a pill and over-medicating.  Maybe there is a reason for the problem and a pill isn't going to fix that.

Now, I am not going to go off on a tirade about global warming or Al Gore making millions of dollars and receiving a Nobel Peace Prize for what could turn out to be brainwashing propaganda, fear-mongering, and lies.  In my opinion, the jury is still out on this whole issue.  There is too much conflicting evidence, too many scientists and meteorologists on both sides to know which is right.  And since Gore's movie came out and made such a huge splash (aka the public sat and gobbled up what they were spoon-fed) more and more scientists have come out against global warming and climate change.  It is hard to know what to think when very respected experts in the field say that global warming is false, or claim we are about to go into a severe cooling trend, some calling it the "greatest scam in history."  I am just skeptical and don't like that one person takes his opinion and presents it as fact, when the experts aren't in agreement...

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