Scoreboard of Catan

Thursday, January 22, 2004

the desire to feel loved is the last illusion

let it go and you will be free

the dawn of trust requires release

the insecurities and need for attention and love must be let go

it must be approached as a secondary support

love on earth is great, but pales in comparison

if we are truly filled with God's unconditional and unfathomable love,

we should be secure

we shouldnt be caught up in earthly love

it shouldnt be one of our chief desires to have others love us or give us attention and affection

we are not called to be hermits

we are called to love God and glorify Him in our actions

once we love Him and He fills us with His love,

then we will be able to experience love on earth to the fullest

without His love, none of this will satisfy.

it will only bind us and restrict us.

any and all comments or responses are welcome at

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