Scoreboard of Catan

Friday, September 07, 2007

What is this, Russia?

Internet rationing? Ok, Stalin, you're going to restrict our access and ability to do what we want and say that it's "for the greater good?" I mean, are we experiencing an Internet shortage? Are we too reliant on foreign Internet and political tensions in those countries are affecting our supply? Or is Comcast just refusing to spend the time and money and effort to make sure their technology is keeping up with the public demand for higher bandwidth? Isn't that your job as a company that provides Internet access? Your customers want and need better service, so you should give it to them, not cut them back even more. I mean, are you going to equate your situation to the oil shortages in the 70s and cap people off and ration their access to the Web and shut them down? Wow, I didn't realize you had such a stranglehold over the seemingly free and unlimited Internet.

Solidarity, Comrades. Monopolize, control, restrict. For the greater good.

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