Scoreboard of Catan

Saturday, December 20, 2003

the lancaster market is as incredible as ever. wonderful day amid the hustle and bustle and motion. a different kind of hustle and bustle though, a kind that was a welcome respite from the northern virginia collective insanity.

new voice blessed by God: Amy Banks
-Amazing Grace
-Swing Low, Sweet Chariots
-He Keeps an eye on the Sparrows

Matt. 6:22-34; Luke 12:22-34
A good reason to not get worried about what im going to do for the rest of my life. how i will provide for myself or others that are put under my care. that is the wrong mindset. it shouldnt matter. while pursuing him, he will set our path straight and he will direct our footsteps to His glory and according to his will. we dont need to know where that will be or when it will happen, we just need to know that He does know and he is taking care of it. let go of the railing, step out and walk leaning on Him and not on the trappings of this world.

pursue the kingdom and heaven and his righteousness
believe in his power, trust his providence

there is thunder in his footsteps and lightning in his fists

any and all comments or responses are welcome at

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